Monday, December 12, 2011

Enjoying the Journey

We have now been in England 2 weeks tomorrow (we landed in Manchester around 10am Tuesday, Nov 29th). We entered the country with 6 suitcases, an almost 3 year old and no plans for the future other than staying at Jo's parent's house until something else presented itself. A few years ago, I (Macie) would have called this adventure crazy and never even attempted something like this. Yet here I am, a testimony to God's gentle hand of guidance that is always pushing us to go farther and deeper with Him. I have always wanted a "risk-free" life.  What woman hasn't? Who doesn't desire a nice house, well-kept children, and a husband with a steady job? No risk, no unwanted "surprises" and complete security. But through this beginning part of our journey, I am constantly reminded that my desire to lead a risk-free life is a way of telling God that I don't trust Him enough to guide us. When I pursue stability, I am proving my unbelief in God's perfect plan for my life. So, we have decided to live life on the edge, with leaps of faith becoming the norm instead of our constant search for a "safe" life. This has challenged us to completely rewire our thinking on what is important in life and has also led us on our biggest and most exciting adventure yet.

Two days after we arrived in the UK, Jo decided to just show up to the local football (soccer) club and see if they would let him train (really he couldn't have had better timing, they were just coming off a 7-0 loss).  At first they told him no, so he sat down to watch. A few minutes into the practice they realized they were a man down and invited Jo to join in.  After practice the manager invited Jo back the next day. And by Monday morning, they had made it clear to Jo that they wanted to sign him to play and would start the process to get his international clearance. His clearance came through on Saturday and today he signed to play with the league and tomorrow he will sign to play with the club.

God is so funny, isn't He? He is so faithful to those who put their whole lives in His hands. The circumstances for Jo to play with the club could not have worked out more perfect.  God had even made it clear to us what day we were supposed to move back to the UK which present Jo with the perfect time to walk into the practice.  Why do we doubt his plan? It can be scary to walk with only a little light to guide your next step, yet when you live life like this, it takes incredible twists and turns you never would have expected.

We are so excited for this next leg of our journey and can't wait to see where else God will lead us.

Here's a link to the football club.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thank you Jay and Cindy

Yesterday Miriam and I (Jo) were hanging up fliers on the mailboxes around our apartment complex for an event we are doing next week. As I got out of the car to hang up a sign, I heard a cat meowing. I don't care for cats so I just thought it was under a car or something and I drove off. As I got to the next mailbox, I felt God's Holy Spirit tell me "Go back and look for that cat". You might think this was just my conscience but my conscience doesn't care for cats, so I believe it was Jesus telling me. Anyway, I went back to looked for the cat. I heard it coming from a drain/sewer so I looked down it. I could hear it crying out but couldn't see it so I walked across the street and saw it down at the bottom of the opposite sewer. It was about six feet down and Miriam got a little scared. A passer by helped me take off the grid and as I went down to grab the tiny kitten Miriam started to cry because I had to go quite far down. I picked it up and drove home with it shaking.

I have no idea about cats so I washed it in the sink and Macie got a towel for us to wrap it in. It was shaking and in it's little small voice crying out for help. Macie called our friendly neighbors Jay and Cindy to come over and help, they had taken in a stray cat before so they were sure to help us out. They were round in minutes with cat food, a bed, litter box and medicine. They didn't even speak to me, walking straight up to 'Nala' (that is the cats new name). Cindy held it close to her face and started loving on it. Jay checked to see if it was sick, had fleas etc and both of them surrounded it with love.

It is now 9:25 pm the next day and as Macie and I sit in our living room worshipping and praying to our God there is a little, beautiful kitten running about and playing. Nala was a pathetic, wet, little kitten that had tried so hard to crawl out of a sewer her paws were all scratched off. But because two of our neighbors showed love to her she is now an adorable (temporary) pet for my two princesses Macie and Miriam.

Jay and Cindy saw the gold in something I didn't. Because of their expression of love I now see why people love kittens.

My prayer is that I would see everything with eyes like Jesus, or Jay and Cindy. He sees the gold in us when nobdy else does. I sometimes work in a neighborhood in Charlotte where 'crack heads' and prostitutes walk down the streets; I wonder what gold is in them? When someone is rude, arrogant or selfish I will try to look past that and try to find the gold. Our heavenly Father made us all to shine. But because of this sinful world and the effects it has on us people sometimes look like pathetic, lost, beat-up kittens. Love draws out the gold in all of God's creation.

As I finished writing this Nala came and sat on my lap. We are looking for some people to love her and give her a home because we are moving to England shortly.

Thank you Jay and Cindy

Sunday, October 23, 2011


We leave our home in Charlotte in a little over three weeks on the 15th November and will spend 2 weeks in Atlanta with Macie's family before we fly out to England. We are selling things, giving stuff away and letting go of anything we don't need or want to take with us. It is amazing how much stuff we have that we do not use or do not need.

Two weeks ago I (Jo) spent alot of time trying to arrange/set things up for when we arrive in England. Getting try outs with teams, having a back up job, getting in touch with ministries I found on line etc. I had moments of complete discouragement and fear of failure. I was simply trying to be a good husband and be as prepared as possible. I felt God tell me "Do nothing, depend completely on me". This is very hard for a man who loves to bring home money for his beautiful wife and daughter.

When I spend time with God in his word and praying I am filled with so much peace about a pretty illogical move I am taking my family on. Charlotte is such a great and happy place for us. We have wonderful friends and great ministries we love being apart of. I am able to play professional soccer and Macie gets to sing with the 'Charlotte oratorio' which is her passion. We love it here and God really does use us to impact peoples lives, he has shown me the fruit. We have absaloutely nothing we can see waiting for us in England. We are moving in with my parents when we get there and that's all we know.

How do I know it is the Lord calling us? Abraham was literally called (audible voice I think) by God to leave his country, Elijah had encounters with God, Moses saw him face to face, Paul had a vision on the road to Damascus and John had his revelation in the final book of the Bible. How do you know God is calling you to do something?

  1. The Lord's call never contradicts his word!
  2. The Lord's call will always take faith.
  3. The Lord's call will not always seem rational and may sometimes be scary.
  4. The Lord's call is always for the advancement of HIS kingdom.
  5. Whenever you truly get on your knees in prayer and ask God about the situation you will have peace.
I am confident of this call the Lord has given our family. People might simply think 'Jo is going back home to live in England'. I have not lived in England for 7 years, I have only visited since I became a Christian so the 'new me' has never lived there and I really honestly do not consider it home. My eternal home is in Heaven but on this earth I consider home where Macie and Miriam are, that is not in England yet.

If you feel God 'calling' you to do something, whether it's as simple as giving a friend an encouraging word, going back to church after a long time avoiding it, or something as big as moving your family to a new country with no promise of a job. Step out and do it! We are only given the chance to show God our faith in him while we live on this earth. When we get to heaven there will be no more need for faith because we will be in his presence all the time. Prove your faith and love to God while you still can.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Are English people a bunch of thugs?

Many have been shocked and disturbed at the looting and riots across England this past week. How can a seemingly peaceful nation such as England see such chaos and anarchy? Why would I want to move my pregnant wife and daughter to this country? Most English people would say these riots are just a few 'idiots' and it is not the majority. The same as when football hoolignas give our nation a bad name when there are so many great English football fans. We get mad and angry at the few that give a bad name to the masses. I agree that these riots are led by a small number in a country with so many good hearted people.

However, I cannot get angry at the people I see causing chaos on the streets of my home country. Would you get angry at a blind man if he walked into a wall, or a deaf woman for not pulling to the side of the road when the ambulence is trying to get by? The blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear until the ones who have the power to open eyes and ears start to do what God has called them to do. England is a nation that has forgotten the God who created it; our history and our calling as a nation to impact the world for the good of all mankind through Jesus Christ.

Before I came to America I wasn't aware of the wonderful heritage I have in simply being an Englishman. We helped to defeat one of the most evil regimes the world has ever seen only 65 years ago in World War II.  Men such as king Arthur, Churchill, Shakespeare, the Beatles, C.S. Lewis, William Wilberforce (who abolished slavery), John Wesley, Smith Wigglesworth (a great revivalist), Jane Austen and many other great men and women have come from my home coutry. Our generation has not had passed down to our sons and daughters the spiritual DNA that God had given us as citizens of a wonderful country. I want to be a part of reinstating God's name amoungst our children and in the home of the 'normal' English family. When we know who God is, Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit we can again be the nation that the world used to call 'Great Britiain".

I heard a Christian man say the other day that America's public schools are beyond reconciling. They have removed God so much that there is no hope for them. How can God work through a church with this mindset? What my Jesus did on the cross 2,000 years ago not just for man but for everything in this wrold from schools, government, the land to nations was much too powerful to say something is beyond reconciling. I want my family to be a a part of God reconciling a once great nation back to what is capable of being.    

It's time for the English church to wake up and recapture the heart of the nation through the purest love of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The plant can only grow as big as the pot it is in!

My writing is not as good as my brides but our hearts beat the same for our Jesus and so I hope love will flow from my posts as much as hers.

I love how the bible talks so many times about farming, reaping and sowing etc. God has shown me that for us to grow bigger like a tree that bears much fruit he must up root us from our comfortable small 'pot' and plant us in new ground. The ground we are going to be put in will feel uncomfotable at first and the process can be painful, but to become all that God wants us to be we must make this transition. If we stay in the same 'pot' we limit the potential of Christ to create something through us we never thought possible. In this move to England I am hoping for explosive growth in all areas of life. If we completely focus our hearts on Christ why wouldn't he want to see his creation grow and produce a type of fruit that every one wants to come and eat from, find rest in it's shade and simply gaze upon?


A New Path...

For several months now we have been feeling the call to go to England. However, with no timeline in place from God we simply waited and prayed and went on with life as usual. God is so gracious to us that when He calls us, He always lets us know when the time is to go. And that time for us has come...

So many doors that once miraculously opened for us here are now slowly swinging shut. We finish with our apartment ministry in November, Jo's job offered him fewer hours and reduced pay for the upcoming year, the inner city ministry is now being partnered with a church, and Jo's time at his soccer team here is winding down. God is closing doors so that we know for certain who controls the destiny of our lives. If we fight against Him, we only complicate things and make life more difficult. If we let His river take us where He wants it to lead, other doors will soon open and we will be taken to a new level of relationship with Him.

We are so excited about the amazing things God is going to do in England. There is a lost and spiritually dying culture that is simply waiting to be shown Love. Our prayer is that we become the vessels of this Love. That because of God's move in us, England will become a land for us that is "flowing with milk and honey".  God has taken us so far in just a few years. And our journey has only just begun...