Last Saturday I was playing in a game when I went up for a header, hit an opponent and got my legs taken out from under me. I fell straight onto my right shoulder and tore a ligament that was very painful. I was told I'd be out for 4-6 weeks and sent home to go and rest. I have been unable to help around the house this past week which has caused so much extra work for Macie.
I believe in a miracle working God and I thought this would be a great way for everyone on the team, people who work at the club and all the fans to see how great our God is. I am writing this 8 days after the event and even though I should be ready to play soon I did not see the instant healing miracle I and many others were praying for. This blog is not about questioning if God still works miracles and if he does why does he only perform them at certain times or why when you pray does God sometimes seem silent. I believe in a miracle working God and have seen some miraculous things but I cannot give you an answer to why it doesn't always happen. This blog is about what I learnt this past week.
I am embarrassed to say that it wasn't until the following Saturday, a week later after listening to a sermon I asked God, "are you teaching me anything through this injury?" When I finally asked I felt like he was so quick to tell me.
Does this mean that God gave me an injury to teach me something? I don't believe he gave me the injury and I don't want to get into a deep theological blog about how a good God can let suffering happen. All I know is that I've seen God do miracles and prevent horrific things from happening and I've prayed for others and watched no change happen. God is way too big for me to understand his ways completely. The question is how do I react to this? How do you react in times like this? I think we should always be asking, "what can I learn in this situation?".
So here is what I feel God taught me and I'd like to share it with you. Your strongest, most important gifting can become your biggest hindrance My right arm is probably the part of my body I use the most in physical activity and this past week it has hindered almost all my physical activity. Be careful not to let your greatest gift become the thing that stops you from fulfilling the life God has planned for you.
He also taught me that I am only as strong as my partner (Macie) and the people around me. If any of you have been sick recently you quickly realize that without loved ones or someone helping out, you are completely useless. It is so important to understand how important your partners such as spouses, friends, family, work mates, etc are in your life.
I hope you enjoyed this blog and maybe learnt something from my experience this past week. What I really want is that you ask more often, "What can I learn from this?" Instead of trying to figure out the mind of God and why sometimes he seems to ignore our cries for help, healing, less stress, more money, better relationships etc.