It's almost been 5 months since our family stepped off the plane to a cold, wet, uncertain England from the wonderful home we knew in America. The only plans we had were to move in with my parents until we were able to take care of ourselves.
I'm now sitting here in our new home getting ready to have breakfast with my wonderful family and thinking it only feels like yesterday since we got here. I just said to Macie this morning I feel like this is the fastest my life has ever gone. Rediscovering a culture I had forgotten and a brand new one for Macie and Miriam to learn, playing football, living with family then moving to a new home, new church and ministry and in the middle of all this a wonderful new baby girl joined us. People say that life goes faster when you have more kids and it definitely feels that way but I never want to be a person that says, "Where did the time go? I should have done more."
I was praying in the car the other day and asking God to use me to do 'big things' by helping people and impacting the culture I live in to know who Christ really is. I was just getting done praying and about to go inside the house to watch the Man City game with my Dad and I felt like God told me to do these 'big things' now. How do I do this while watching football I thought? God reminded me he made us to make every moment a special one. How do we do this?
The other night Miriam shouted me whilst she was in bed that she needed to go potty. I went into her room and helped her get down from her new bunk bed and as her feet touched the floor she took off running as fast as she could to the toilet screaming, "I'm gonna win!!!". Kids have an amazing way of making normal mundane situations into special moments. Miriam has no idea that she made me smile and my heart leap in my chest but I'm sure those of you that have kids can recall a similar memory. I believe our heavenly Father smiles the same way at us when we simply embrace life in every moment with the heart of a child.
How do I make sure I don't look back over a life that flies by and wish I would have done more? Simple, I race my heavenly father to the toilet every time I need to go! We simply need to embrace today, this moment, this mundane task or job that is here now, in the present. Don't be waiting and hoping for that big moment to come along but instead make this moment into it.
Here we are outside our new house.