Many have been shocked and disturbed at the looting and riots across England this past week. How can a seemingly peaceful nation such as England see such chaos and anarchy? Why would I want to move my pregnant wife and daughter to this country? Most English people would say these riots are just a few 'idiots' and it is not the majority. The same as when football hoolignas give our nation a bad name when there are so many great English football fans. We get mad and angry at the few that give a bad name to the masses. I agree that these riots are led by a small number in a country with so many good hearted people.
However, I cannot get angry at the people I see causing chaos on the streets of my home country. Would you get angry at a blind man if he walked into a wall, or a deaf woman for not pulling to the side of the road when the ambulence is trying to get by? The blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear until the ones who have the power to open eyes and ears start to do what God has called them to do. England is a nation that has forgotten the God who created it; our history and our calling as a nation to impact the world for the good of all mankind through Jesus Christ.
Before I came to America I wasn't aware of the wonderful heritage I have in simply being an Englishman. We helped to defeat one of the most evil regimes the world has ever seen only 65 years ago in World War II. Men such as king Arthur, Churchill, Shakespeare, the Beatles, C.S. Lewis, William Wilberforce (who abolished slavery), John Wesley, Smith Wigglesworth (a great revivalist), Jane Austen and many other great men and women have come from my home coutry. Our generation has not had passed down to our sons and daughters the spiritual DNA that God had given us as citizens of a wonderful country. I want to be a part of reinstating God's name amoungst our children and in the home of the 'normal' English family. When we know who God is, Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit we can again be the nation that the world used to call 'Great Britiain".
I heard a Christian man say the other day that America's public schools are beyond reconciling. They have removed God so much that there is no hope for them. How can God work through a church with this mindset? What my Jesus did on the cross 2,000 years ago not just for man but for everything in this wrold from schools, government, the land to nations was much too powerful to say something is beyond reconciling. I want my family to be a a part of God reconciling a once great nation back to what is capable of being.
It's time for the English church to wake up and recapture the heart of the nation through the purest love of Jesus Christ.